• Jeg elsker kultur


    Jeg elsker kultur

Castle Heeswijk

Castle Heeswijk

Together with St. John’s Cathedral in ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Grote Kerk church in Breda and the Markiezenhof in Bergen op Zoom, Kasteel Heeswijk is one of the four official Top Monuments in Brabant. You can experience the chequered history of almost one thousand years of power, pride and culture of the elite of Brabant, all prominently located in the River Aa valley close to ’s-Hertogenbosch. The castle is also the Nature Gateway to Brabant and is encircled by the Heeswijk Estate where you can spend some relaxing time among beautiful countryside. Come and enjoy this imposing monument weekly from Tuesdays to Sundays. ‘Bij de Barones’ is the place for visitors to the castle and estate to enjoy coffee, lunch or drinks in beautiful historic surroundings!
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VisitBrabant - Breda

VisitBrabant - Breda

Nassau City of Breda Breda may be historic in outlook, but the inhabitants conduct their active daily lives with a modern down-to-earth approach – against a gorgeous historical backdrop. The Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk (Church of our Lady) is the most important monument and a landmark of Breda that can be admired from almost every place in the city. Breda has been voted best city centre in the Netherlands, with plenty of pavement cafes, trendy restaurants and excellent shopping. The so-called ´Spanjaardsgat´ reminds visitors of the time Breda was in hands of the Spaniards. The Breda Castle shows the historical relation between Breda and the home of Oranje Nassau. The ancestors of the Dutch Royal Family, the Nassaus, were of great importance for the city.
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Tenk stort når du besøker Washington. Straks du ankommer DC vil du bli fasinert over byens formater. Amerikas hovedstad vil du skal vite at den er nettopp det, og gjør sitt for at du skal bli imponert av byens storslåtthet og størrelse. Drama og skandale bobler under overflaten, mens byen yrer av liv med museer, restauranter og klubber rundt hvert gatehjørne. Prinsippene om likhet, rettferdighet, liv og frihet aktes høyt i DC, men byen er først og fremst en trendy og internasjonal by.
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VisitBrabant - Van Gogh

VisitBrabant - Van Gogh

Brabant is Vincent van Gogh’s homeland (1853 - 1890). Van Gogh’s masterpieces are scattered throughout the world, but their roots are in Brabant. Here is where Van Gogh produced his first masterpiece ‘The Potato Eaters’. To this day, Vincent’s footsteps can be traced in places like Zundert, Nuenen, Tilburg, Etten-Leur and ’s-Hertogenbosch. You can see the house where he was born, his young brother’s grave, his art class at school, the parsonage and several churches where his father worked. Nuenen is a historical village that offers a walking tour along 23 locations related to his work. The Noordbrabants Museum in ‘s-Hertogenbosch houses original works by Van Gogh in ‘The Story of Brabant’.
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Le Cap d'Agde Méditerranée

Le Cap d'Agde Méditerranée

Destinasjonen Cap d’Agde Méditerranée Sør i Frankrike, i en region Languedoc, med 300 soldager per år er Cap d’Agde Méditerranée et feriested uten konkurrent. Bestående av 3 havstasjonen Cap d'Agde, Portiragnes og det historiske sentrum d'Agde og Pézenas. Vi kan blant annet nevne Pézenas, Agde, fokaiernes antikke handelshovedstad, eller Montagnac, byen kjent for sin middelaldermesse. Canal du Midi passerer gjennom Cap d’Agde Méditerranée og danner regionens ryggrad. Det flotte tilbudet av arrangementer og kulturelle tilstelninger gjør at man får lyst til å komme på besøk flere ganger i løpet av året. Det befinner seg på et vulkanområde mellom Canal du Midi, floden og havet, Cap d'Agde Méditerranée har 3 havner, 20 km med sandstrand både vill og menneskelagd, et naturlig område med parker, pinjetrær, beskyttet marineområde, historiske monumenter og et utrolig beskyttet område, sportsutrustrninger på høyt nivå og permanente animasjoner.
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VisitBrabant - Eindhoven

VisitBrabant - Eindhoven

If you love design, going out and shopping, then the largest city in North Brabant, Eindhoven, is the place to be. It’s a vibrant and lively city bursting with energy with a constant flow of new developments in creativity, innovation and design. Excellent shopping and impressive architecture can be found in and around Eindhoven’s large covered shopping centre. In the old city centre, you will find a futuristic building called 'The Blob', designed by the Italian architect Massimiliano Fuksas. The Van Abbemuseum is another must-do while visiting this city. Its distinctive architectural design, alongside its collection and exhibitions programme makes the Van Abbemuseum a unique place for modern and contemporary art. The exhibitions in De Kazerne are definitely worth a visit. Grab a bite and a drink and be inspired by the creative works of various artists. The setting will leave you speechless. For another uniquely industrial dining experience, try the Piet Hein Eek design restaurant, Radio Royaal or one of the other eateries in the former Philips factory in Eindhoven. The Strijp S, the nearby creative cultural heart of Eindhoven, is not to be missed during a visit to this City of Light. With acclaimed festivals like GLOW and Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven really is a must-visit!
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Velkommen til den berømte ”Lysbyen” eller ”Kjærlighetens by”. Paris er virkelig begge deler, og har alltid blitt betraktet som det mest romantiske stedet i verden. Om du er kunstner, forretningsmann eller ganske enkelt turist, om du reiser sammen med en kjæreste eller med slektninger, kommer du til å elske de lange spaserturene fra Montmartre til Quartier Latin. På vei forbi noen av de fineste romanske og middelalderske monumentene, kommer du før eller siden til å havne på en café, stå på Pont Neuf-broen eller utforske en moteforretning av edel årgang i Marais-distriktet. Ta deg god tid, og sørg for å ha med deg et romslig minnekort til digitalkameraet ditt.
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