• Med børnene


    Med børnene



Have you ever had occasion to fall in love with a city? If not, Poznan will take your heart with its unique treasures, which stand dreamily watching their own reflections in the fast flowing Warta River. Here, history and tradition interweave with modernity offering you everything from bustling tourist attractions to idyllic hideaways. The city is perfect for romantic getaways. Even if you walk the cobbled streets alone, you will be swept away by the magic that has given Poznan a reputation for being Poland’s most popular small-big city.
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Frankfurt - Multifaceted metropolis

Frankfurt - Multifaceted metropolis

Immerse yourself in the 1,200-year history of the Main metropolis. Countless sightseeing attractions serve to highlight both the former and the current importance of Frankfurt am Main. Come and feel the pulse of time. Frankfurt stands for innovation and development. It is a place where trends are set, where ideas become reality. Frankfurt architecture ranks among the most modern in all of Europe. Trendy bars, pubs, up-and-coming fashion labels and a booming creative industry mirrors Frankfurts zeitgeist. Frankfurt´s signifiance as a bustling international trade and finance location dates back to the Middle Ages. Today, Frankfurt is also a popular shopping paradise, offering a colourful diversity range of products and services for every taste and every pocketbook. Frankfurt is a pulsating metropolis. Business and finance, trade shows, shopping and a vivacious nightlife combine to make "Mainhattan" one of Germany´s most exciting cities. Frankfurt also has a warm and cosy side. Rest and recuperate at one of the traditional apple wine pubs of Old Sachenhausen, visit one of the 48 beautiful parks and gardens or stroll along the River Main, Frankfurt´s majestic water-way, which meanders gracefully through the heart of the city.
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Kalamaja - bohemian & trendy

Kalamaja - bohemian & trendy

The trendy and upcoming wooden architecture area of Kalamaja or "fish house" in English has changed most dramatically over the past few years. The bohemian and hip Kalamaja is known for its many eateries, little pubs and bars as well as design and crafts shops. It is also home to Seaplane Harbour and Tallinn's first "smart" street formerly known as Culture kilometre.
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København er en lille, men stor by. En by i verdensklasse, fremhævet og elsket af verdens førende rejse- og livsstilsmagasiner. Byen er blevet hædret for dens høje livskvalitet, og den internationale begejstring falder godt i tråd med københavnernes egen oplevelse af deres by, som et godt sted at bo og leve. Københavns berømte gastronomi, cykelkultur, design, arkitektur, grønne områder, rene havnebade, Christiania og ikke mindst frisind og åbenhed er alle eksempler på Københavns særegenhed, som hvert år trækker tusinder til den lille, store hovedstad.
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Introducing Madeira Islands

Introducing Madeira Islands

Get to know Madeira, the atlantic island, belonging to Portugal and known as The Pearl of the Atlantic.
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Nantes take the journey!

Nantes take the journey!

Nantes - city of every possibility!
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